*possibly TMI graphic content warning*

So I have always been a heavy bleeder. I would go through multiple pads and multiple tampons every day and usually leak through everything overnight. I tried all the brands and even the period underwear (it’s for light periods only…trust me). I even tried those cups and it seemed promising as there were different sizes. However, the one that held the most was just too uncomfortable for me. Enter the menstrual cup. I chose to try out Nixit. I watched a bunch of Youtube reviews and it seemed okay. Here is my review:

While it is super pricey upfront, it is well worth the money. You boil it for 5 minutes to sanitize then it’s ready go to. It was easy to insert and I only felt it the first hour-ish of wearing, then I completely forgot it was there. I tried it first overnight with no backup (ballsy, I know) and it was a complete success. I did my first removal in the shower (defs try that first because…horror movie). If you have very good pelvic floor muscles you’ll enjoy it even more. You see, you need to “bear down” to remove it but you can also bear down to empty it then do a kegel to put it back into place! Empty it without even touching it all day! (*Note if you empty it in this manner there might be some residual blood so you’ll need a liner or the like or just try your best to wipe as much as you can). I had zero leaks…and when I say zero I mean zero. For me that is unheard of. I used it for 5 days straight, emptying whenever I went tot he bathroom, washed it every day before bed and I’ll sanitize again before my next use.

Now, it’s not for everyone, as everyone is differently shaped. If you don’t want to spend the money right away I suggest you try some disposable cups first just to see if it’s for you.

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