Last night my 5.5 month old started solids. Though I am not looking forward to the constipation, I do feel like it’s time and I did talk to our doctor (keep your pants on judgy moms!) and she said it’s fine to start something like rice cereal but keep in mind that the solids are really only for learning, texture and taste not for sustenance.

We started with First Food Organics Organic Brown Rice Cereal purchased from Blush Lane for $6.99. Seemed a good choice…legit organic so why not. At first he seemed to like it and sucked it off the spoon. Then his face became very “this tastes like sh*t” and I wondered if he actually liked it. I stopped with the spoon feeding and put the rest in his bottle. He guzzled it like it was going out of style. Turns out he just hates the spoon.

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